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Webinar Library

Page history last edited by Kathy Blanc 13 years, 9 months ago

Nuts and Bolts of PLCs

Al Bertani


Leading Change Webinars

Cherie Lyons, McREL

In this four part interactive webinar series, participants will learn how to create the context for successful change with "purposeful community", how to empower staff through collective efficacy and strategies for leading second order change initiatives.


Using Formative Assessment to Support Teaching and Learning

Deb Farrington, Measured Progress

In this four part interactive webinar series, participants will learn how formative assessment is a process for gathering information about student learning while learning is still taking place and timely interventions and instructional modifications can be made. In each of the sessions, participants will be guided through the key strategies of formative assessment and learn how to recognize and support the integration of assessment into instruction.


Assessment Literacy

Deb Farrington, Measured Progress

Educators are confronted with an enormous variety of assessment data. When used appropriately, they can adjust their instructional practices to more closely meet their students’ learning needs. This webinar series helps administrators and teachers enact assessment literacy to improve student achievement. Participating within a school-based learning team, educators will be introduced to the elements of quality local assessment systems and learn how to differentiate and integrate informative assessment practices into their schools and classrooms.

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