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UAA Scholarship Application

Page history last edited by Kathy Blanc 13 years, 10 months ago

Dear Colleagues:


The Rural Alaska Principal Preparation and Support (RAPPS) grant project has generated great interest! 


One component of the RAPPS grant provides scholarships to educators who are working towards their Type B certification and Masters Degree in Educational Leadership at UAA.  Twelve of the sixteen eligible RAPPS districts have enrolled aspiring principals in UAA through the RAPPS scholarship program. 


The grant provides a scholarship for a minimum of two courses per academic year. If districts can provide financial support to their nominees, scholarships could be increased and aspiring principals could complete the EDL program more quickly.


These scholarships are for aspiring principals, who intend on working in one of the RAPPS Districts in rural Alaska.


The purpose of this letter is to advise partner districts of the proposed RAPPS spiring principals’ nominating process to join the second RAPPS cohort in the UAA Education Leadership program, that is scheduled to begin in summer of 2010.

(See also RAPPS FAQ)


Proposed timeline


Step 1: (10/15/2010 through 11/30/2010)


Each district superintendent is asked to complete the following:

  1. Nominate aspiring principal(s) for RAPPS Program.  New and continuing students are eligible.  A continuing student is as a student who is already taking graduate classes toward their Type B certificate who does not have a RAPPS scholarship.  RAPPS scholarship students that were nominated last year who already participating in UAA classes do not need to be nominated again.

  2. Complete name and email address on the attached nomination form by listing the names in priority order:   1 = highest priority

  3. Complete the nomination form online or download and fill out a hard copy and FAX it to Susan Garton at  907-786-4313 no later than 11/30/10. 


Step 2: (11/01/10 through 1/30/11)

  1. UAA begins to contact nominated individuals and extends an invitation to apply for graduate studies.  Continuing students will be welcomed to the RAPPS Program.

  2. Educational Leadership Department (EDL) Professors will invite those nominated to apply for admission to UAA and the EDL program. Continuing students must be fully admitted.

  3. Once an aspiring principal has completed all required paperwork and is admitted to the University and EDL department, the district and the aspiring principal are notified of admission. 

  4. Should the aspiring principal fail to meet admission requirements or not be interested in participating in the RAPPS project, the second name on the list of nominations will follow the Step 2 protocols.


Step 3: (1/30/11 through 3/15/11)

  1. UAA identifies the members of the first cohort of aspiring principals and extends an invitation to attend the summer institute.

  2. The summer institute is a multi-day session designed to promote coherence as a cohort and to introduce the RAPPS curriculum.   The summer institute is the official launch of the new cohort.  All RAPPS aspiring students are required to attend the Institute.

  3. The nationally recognized speakers at the RAPPS Summer Institute are provided without charge for the RAPPS students, who are required to attend.  However, the district or the student is responsible for the travel to and from Anchorage, lodging, and meals during the five days.  During the first years, most districts were able to provide transportation to and from Anchorage and a computed amount for meals. 


Step 4: (4/01/11 through 5/01/11)

  1. UAA allows enrollment in the first credit classes for the new cohort.

  2. Cohort members will be enrolled in one or two-credit classes during the summer.

  3. Classes will be offered through the use of distance technologies. 

  4. Faculty will be full-time continuing members of the Educational Leadership Department.


Thanks very much for a prompt response.  UAA staff and the RAPPS leadership team look forward to working with these aspiring principals. 




Susan Garton

UAA Education Leadership Program



Kelly Tonsmeire

Alaska Staff Development Network





  1. Download the nomination form.  Print, complete and FAX this page to: Susan Garton, UAA/RAPPS Coordinator - Fax Number:  907-786-4313


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