RAPPS Scholarship Information for Aspiring Principals and Superintendents
One component of the RAPPS grant provides scholarships to educators who are working towards their Type B certification and Masters Degree in Educational Leadership at UAA.
The grant provides a scholarship for a minimum of two courses per academic year. If districts can provide financial support to their nominees, scholarships may be increased and aspiring principals can complete the EDL program more quickly.
These scholarships are for aspiring principals, who intend on working in one of the RAPPS Districts in rural Alaska.
UAA Scholarship Recipients
RAPPS Cohort #1
The following students represent RAPPS Cohort #1, the continuing students in the program. These students will be the first graduates of the UAA RAPPS program.
All of the students listed below are receiving coaching support from the Alaska Administrative Coaching Project (AACP), continued from the fall semester. This coaching support will continue through the first year of placement as principal. Early coaching is ONE of the major benefits of RAPPS participation!
•Jason Bickling, LPSD
•Josh Bullock, BSSD
•Sandi Dehoop, Kashunamiut SD
•Lisa Dickens, Kashunamiut SD
•Corey Evans, SWRSD
•Damon Hargraves, BSSD
•Robert Hawkins, YKSD
•Gina Hrinko, YKSD
•Linda Jennings, LPSD
•Steve Noonkesser, SWRSD
•Nathan Pitt, BSSD
•Christina Poage, YKSD
•Nicole Rogenes (Metzgar), LPSD
•Denise Thomas, BSSD
•Anne Titus, YKSD
•Jack Von Thaer, Yukon Flats SD
Information for RAPPS InternsClick here to download the Alaska Administrator Coaching Project’s packet for RAPPS Interns. The Alaska Administrator Coaching Program’s website is
RAPPS Cohort #2
The following students represent RAPPS Cohort #2 students. This cohort will complete their third core class (EDL 639: The Politics of Education) together during the spring semester, 2010. All of these students will be ready to begin their internships in the fall of 2010.
•Amoret Allen, Kuspuk SD
•Colter Barnes, LPSD
•Dana Bartman, SWRSD
•Lewis Beaver, LKSD
•Matthew Brankman, Iditarod SD
•Vicki Charley, YKSD
•Russell Clark, LYSD
•Josie Dayton, YKSD
•Kevin Geese, AGSD
•Jeff Gryga, Kashunimiut SD
•Eric Hart, Chatham SD
•Ed Lester, LPSD
•Nancy Mason, LPSD
•S. Parker, Kashunimiut SD
•Les Parks, SWRSD
•Jim Parkin IV, Chatham SD
•Christina Powers, LKSD
•Craig Roach, AGSD
•Joy Shier, YKSD
RAPPS Cohort 3
•Afcan, Samantha, LYSD
•Cornell, Bill, LPSD
•Dompierre, Bonnie, AGSD
•Dolgner, Ben, BSSD
•Erickson Grant, Tania, LKSD
•Good, Matthew, Kashumiut
•Grieve, Bernard, NWABSD
•Houseler, Darcy, LYSD
•Kuball, Erich, Kuspuk SD
•McCanna, Cody, SWRSD
•Shrider, Randi, YKSD
•Stewart, James, NWABSD
•Tucker, Shannon, LKSD
•Vink, Patty, BSSD
Report Prepared by Susan Garton, Ph.D., UAA RAPPS Coordinator afscg@uaa.alaska.edu
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